Be honest.

Do you ever get the feeling that Jesus would never choose to hang out in the places we’ve built for him? Do you ever feel like Jesus’ message of radical love, mercy and forgiveness has been drowned out by the voices of judgment, condemnation, and stagnant ritualistic religion? Do you ever get the sense that the church was never meant to be about helping itself, but about helping the world? Do you ever get the nagging feeling that Jesus never intended the church to be comfortable and controlled, but instead an untamable movement that challenges the way things have always been done? Have you ever longed to be a part of a community that isn’t afraid to experience God in new and creative ways? (Yeah, us too.)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


A few days ago a gutter salesman showed up at our door. We get these guys so often I've seriously considered putting up a “no soliciting” sign. Now, that particular day was even busier than most days. I just simply did not have time to have a conversation with a door to door salesman. I explained to him that I was extremely busy and now was not a good time to talk about my gutters. (even though they really did need replacing)
I explained all the things I had to do that day. I mentioned the studying I had to do, all my work to get done…
"So, you’re going to school?" He asked.
"Yep." I quickly said, knowing that every question he asked was time away from the important things I had to do that day. "I'm finishing up some seminary courses."
"You're a preacher?" He said in a way that made we wonder if he thought that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"Yeah" I said, "I do some teaching and speaking now and then.”
Shaking his head, he says (almost under his breath) "God is weird.”
Not sure I heard him correctly I asked, "What was that?"
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend you" he said, "but God is weird. In the last three days I've talked to three preachers."
Finding that kind of humorous, I joked "Well, maybe God's trying to tell you something."
"Oh, I know he is" he said, "but I'm running from God and I'm not about to run back anytime soon.”
"Really" I said shocked by his openness to a total stranger, "Why are you running from God?"
He went on to tell me that about a year ago he went into business with a man he sincerely trusted. A preacher none the less. This preacherman told him he would be guaranteed to make a lot of money right away. So he quit his job (even though he was a single father with one year old son) and joined this new company. In a year’s time, he made no money. Not a single cent. He was forced to move out of his house and move in with his girlfriend just so he could put food on the table.
"My life was completely ruined” he said, “So right now I don't want anything to do with God."
We talked for over an hour in my front yard. Sometimes I talked, most of the time he did. By the end of the conversation he said he might be willing to give "this whole God thing" another shot. He even asked if I could recommend a church in the area.
My point isn't to show how great I am. Quite the opposite. I initially didn't want to talk to this guy at all. He was totally interfering with my “life”.
In Biblical times, during the festival of Hanukah, the Jewish people would take a moment and stand in their front doorway, representing to God their readiness for anything or anyone He sent their way – no matter how busy their life was. How cool is it that God wants us to be a part of His plan; that at any moment the King of the universe can “show up” and bring us and others closer to Himself.
But only if we’re willing to open up the door.

Q. When was a time when God “showed up” when you least expected it or had little time for it. Or just say whatever you want. Either way it’s cool.


Craig Zampa said...

It is very interesting an experience as 'insignificant' as a door-to-door solicitor can turn out to be such a significant moment. Makes me think how many moments we miss out in life by not simply paying attention. Well spoken as usual, Scott.

the greenroom said...

Great point craig. Makes you wonder if there really are any "insignificant" moments.

Anonymous said...

i love that story, it makes me wonder how ready i am to really spread the word. am i really ready to go to any lengths to share the message? i'm not sure that i am. i always feel like people are intruding on me, or i'm intruding on them. i guess we just have to be as willing as we can when God puts those people into our lives. reminds me of you being the door keeper on sunday. some people cross the line and stay there, but that isn't really being a christian at all, we all need to be the showing others, through our compassion, how to cross that line, showing them where to go, whether that means doing most of the talking, or, as in your experience with the salesman, listening, because isn't that what Jesus did? i'm truely amazed with your stories and insight, i love the blogs, keep it up!

the greenroom said...

Christy you bring up a good point. What does it really mean to be a Christian? Is being a Christian simply about saying a 3 step prayer, crossing a "line" and looking forward to the day we die and go to heaven? The word Christian actual means "little Christ"; living as Jesus lived. The point is that through every circumstance, our lives are to be showing others who Jesus is. It doesn't mean we're perfect, it means that in spite of our imperfections God can still use us to lead others closer to Him; that is, of course, if we are willing to go out of our comfort zone. As for me, I'm definitely not where I'd like to be yet. My pride and stupidity many times seem to get the best of me. Thank God it's a journey.

Heather said...

Your story makes me think about how many times I have missed spreading God's word by being to caught up in my own life. How many times do I disregard people in my path? I am polite and kind to them, but do I go out of my way to listen to them or talk to them about Jesus. Not as often as I should. Great food for thought!