Be honest.

Do you ever get the feeling that Jesus would never choose to hang out in the places we’ve built for him? Do you ever feel like Jesus’ message of radical love, mercy and forgiveness has been drowned out by the voices of judgment, condemnation, and stagnant ritualistic religion? Do you ever get the sense that the church was never meant to be about helping itself, but about helping the world? Do you ever get the nagging feeling that Jesus never intended the church to be comfortable and controlled, but instead an untamable movement that challenges the way things have always been done? Have you ever longed to be a part of a community that isn’t afraid to experience God in new and creative ways? (Yeah, us too.)

Monday, May 18, 2009


On May 3rd Denise and I announced to the River Community Church that we will soon be embarking on a brand-new adventure; to create a vibrant, unconventional church geared at reaching the artistic community in and around Ann Arbor. It will be called The Greenroom.
This fresh, imaginative, and compelling new movement will be a place where all those seeking to grow closer to the Creator will have the freedom to use all forms of artistic expression to encourage, challenge, and inspire one another to become everything that God has created us to be.
Though many details have yet to be determined, (our launch date is scheduled for the fall of 2010) we envision a growing and compelling movement that positively impacts the city of Ann Arbor and beyond by serving the world, loving one another and experiencing God in new and imaginative ways, while also challenging each other to “walk as Jesus walked.”
(1 John 2:6)

Stay tuned for more Greenroom updates.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just recently came across this really cool group. Their name is the Micheal Gungor Band. This is their first music video. It's simple and to the point - and I'm pretty sure that's why I like it. (being simple minded and all...)

Let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love, does not know God -


1 John 4:7-8